
What Readers Say About Our Novels

  1. "I've read well over a hundred books published during the past year, most of them mysteries/suspense/thrillers and the like. Without any hesitation I would rate WITHOUT SIN as the best of that number. It's a lot more than a "genre" story, it's a penetrating analysis of one woman's mind and the mental set of the entire class she belonged to. Terrific, terrific, terrific!"
    John A. Broussard
  2. "ABORTED is the one book that I know I will talk about years later. It is thought provoking. I have loaned it to someone and now I need to purchase another copy. It's that good."  Jennette A.

  3. "I had read an earlier book of his, Without Sin. It was great, especially, the surprise ending. But, when I read Dead Ringer, I was so captivated, I could not put it down. I kept rooting for the lead character, Scott Corbin. The action was non-stop. And, the ending near-bout floored me; I never saw it coming! Don't pass this book up. I am now trying to find other titles by Mr. Smithdeal. I would definitely like to read all of his other novels. His characters are one-hundred percent believable." Pat Forbes

  4. “The front cover says that never in a million years will you guess the ending. My friend and I read Without Sin in a matter of days and although we had many theories on why Paige had an African baby even though she and her husband were white and she had never cheated on him, we did not even come close to the actual truth.

    I am going to see what other books this author wrote so I can read them and see if they are anywhere as good as this one.”  Ditsy Mitzi

  5. "When Charles Smithdeal writes a suspense thriller, you never know what's going to happen--to the characters or to you. In his latest, Dead Ringer, you're hooked from page one, only you don't know it until it's time to check out the opening monologue on your favorite late-night TV show. Then it's too late--you're on to stay, and maybe you can record the TV show and listen later--maybe just the hell with them.
    This time Smithdeal has an unbeatable set of characters, wickedly and believably flawed, which is what makes the whole thing work: his macguffin is so damned plausible, and yet he does it so artfully. Not a soft spot in this bumpy, unsettling ride." Shelly A. Lowenkopf

  6. "WITHOUT SIN was a page turner to the end. Filled with lots of intrigue and mystery, you will try to work out the puzzle and like all readers before, you will not be able to accomplish that feat until you have reached the last chapters. And even then, there are many more secrets and revelations to come. Each page keeps you in suspense and on the edge, and after the last horrendous secret has been revealed, you're still in for a double shocker.

    Governor-elect of Mississippi Lucien Yarbrough and his wife Page once a Homecoming Queen are very still very much in love and present themselves as the perfect couple to all society. They have a young daughter Cindy and another baby on the way; hoping for a son. It is the birth of this baby that this story is centered around. This baby born to this Caucasian couple is black and surprises the entire state as well as all of their close friends. DNA and Lie Detector tests will have to be done to find out what is really going on here, but after these tests are done what happens???

    This novel will keep you on the edge of your seats as you witness the changes and the terrible scandal which this family endures. I do not think I can give enough justice as to why you should read this complex book....but get your hand on it quickly and enjoy this web of suspense so meticulously weaved by Charles Smithdeal. What a tale!!!!" Heather Negahdar

  7. "I read WITHOUT SIN because of the premise of a white couple conceiving a black child. Could it really happen, and if so, how? Were there deep dark secrets in one of the parent's past?

    A riveting story line, and unexpected twist!"  Lisa Diane

  8. "... An Archie Bunker-esque tour of "the New South."
    Have Jackson Lucien Yarbrough, the brown-haired, blue-eyed, blue-blooded Caucasian governor-elect of the great state of Mississippi and Page, his blue eyed, blond haired, former Ole Miss Homecoming Queen, Caucasian wife, just given birth to a bouncing black baby boy? WITHOUT SIN, by retired physician Charles Smithdeal, reads like a John Grisham legal thriller, with undertones of Faulknerian Southern Gothic and some biting satire a la Alice Randall's "The Wind Done Gone."

    Poor Page: shunned by her Garden Club: "Natchez 2001: Where the Old South Still Lives," kicked out of the Junior League, beleaguered by the Klan, because of the unseemliness of it all! What will her Aunt Belle, called "Auntie Bellum" to those near and dear, think? (At least she didn't commit the sin of wearing white shoes after Labor Day!) Will this preclude Lucien and Page's daughter from being coronated the Queen of the annual Confederate Pageant?
    A rollicking indictment of the vestiges of the Old South in the "New South," Dr. Smithdeal keeps the reader turning the pages!" Tundra Bee

Self-Help Success Stories.


  1. I was in my first year of law school when I knew I needed help. I was terrified of having to answer a question in class. How would I ever survive being in a courtroom filled with people? Now, after only two hours of applying the information provided by Anxiety Solutions, my fear is totally gone. I am perfectly relaxed speaking before any size group. Donald Miller, “future” Attorney at Law; Denver, CO.
  2. I work with my brother in a successful network marketing business, but couldn’t force myself to stand and say a word at our meetings. He was really upset with me. I couldn’t even introduce myself without breaking out in a sweat and nearly passing out. Three days after using the sytem on Anxiety Solutions, my fear has vanished. It’s amazing and it works so fast! My business has really taken off as a result. Roger Caldwell, Independent Distributor; Atlanta, GA.
  3. Although I joined a professional networking group to help grow my printing business, I was afraid to stand up and give a one-minute presentation, as everybody does at each meeting. I also kept making excuses for why I couldn’t take my turn to speak. Three days after I learned the technique recommended by Anxiety Solutions, I volunteered to be the next main speaker. My 20-minute talk went great and I felt so proud of myself. I also got four new customers from that presentation. Thank you, Dr Smithdeal. Debbie Alston; St Petersburg, FL.
  4. Working in the corporate world for nearly eight years, I always hid in the back of the room at company meetings. My palms would get all sweaty and my heart nearly pound out of my chest if a supervisor even looked in my direction. I would have fainted if I ever had to stand up and give a report, or say anything at all. I tried hypnosis, I saw a psychologist, I ordered courses and books and listened to boxes full of tapes and CDs. Nothing worked. Then a friend told me how a unique method had helped him overcome a fear of spiders. Two days after I downloaded the method on Anxiety Solutions, my public-speaking fear was over. I mean, completely gone. It was so incredibly easy. I presented the awards last month at a regional gathering of over 500 employees, and actually enjoyed myself. My boss asked me to do it again in the summer. Thank you, Anxiety Solutions. You changed my life. Annette Thames, Microsoft Corporation employee.
  5. I’m a business major in my second year at NYU. My fear of having to stand up to answer a question or even say my own name was so bad that I would start shaking all over and my face and neck would turn beet red if I even thought about it. A girl I know had used the method from Anxiety Solutions to get over her claustrophobia, so I figured I would give it a try. Frankly, I thought I was too far gone for it to help. But three days after I started using the system, I felt totally different. No fear! I was in control for the first time in my life. Now I ask questions in class, participate in discussions. I’m getting a lot more out of school and having fun doing it. This information from authors on Anxiety Solutions is awesome! Neil Goland, Brooklyn, NY.


  1. I was so afraid of flying that I had to take two Xanax tablets plus a couple of glasses of wine before I could walk down a concourse toward a departure gate. I also stopped in every bathroom along the way. I spent one entire flight in the floor of the plane’s bathroom, crying and throwing up. I finally just gave up and drove wherever I had to go. My daughter gave me an audiobook from Anxiety Solutions for Christmas, and I thought she meant it as a joke. But, believe me, it’s no joke. Two days after I started listening to their system, I knew I was okay to fly. My fear quickly went completely away. So I flew to New York to see my daughter that next weekend. Now I can’t wait to fly to Europe next summer. I’ve already booked my reservations. Dee Burleson, Salt Lake City, UT.
  2. I’m a manufacturer’s rep for toys, so I’m forced to fly quite a bit. For me, the worst parts of a flight were when the flight attendant would close the door, and then again when the pilots revved up the engines and we raced down the runway for the takeoff. I’ve probably left deep finger marks in every armrest that I’ve clutched on every flight I’ve ever taken. Two months ago a fellow salesman told me about Anxiety Solutions. Wow! What a difference. It only took two days to finish their entire system, and then my fear was completely gone. It really was gone, as though I had never been afraid! I’m still amazed, but flying on a plane now feels far safer than driving my car. I also enjoy sharing my story with other passengers who look afraid. Carl Mueller, San Antonio, TX.
  3. I couldn’t believe I had agreed to fly to Las Vegas with three women friends from the office. I was the worst “white-knuckle” flyer that has ever been. I was so afraid that I might panic and become hysterical at some point, and humiliate myself and my friends. I could imagine the flight crew having to hold me down and give me a shot to sedate me, or maybe having to do an emergency landing somewhere because of me. So I went on the Internet and researched my phobia. That’s when I found Anxiety Solutions. I ordered an eBook immediately and got started that same night. The next night, I knew I was okay. My fear simply disappeared. Our trip to Vegas was fantastic. I actually forgot to be afraid. I haven’t had so much fun in years. Thank you. Beatrice Fowler, Miami, FL.
  4. It was on my 75th birthday when I mentioned how I had always wanted to see Greece. My two granddaughters offered to take me, but I was too scared to accept. I hadn’t flown in over thirty years. I was especially afraid of having to fly over that huge ocean for so long. My youngest granddaughter ordered a book from Anxiety Solutions for me. I used it just as they recommended, and it was like magic. I had absolutely no fear remaining. I was very surprised. Well, we flew to Athens in early July. I was having so much fun that we took six shorter flights after we got there, visiting the different islands. Looking down from the planes’ windows at those little islands in that deep blue sea was incredibly beautiful. Of course I’m grateful to my wonderful granddaughters. And I am very grateful to Drs Smithdeal for creating their Information. You helped make my life complete. Thank you. Sheila Waterman, Peoria, IL.
  5. I hadn’t been on an airplane since I was five years old. That’s when my mother had her worst panic attack. I remember her crying and screaming and squeezing me tight against her chest. She said we were going to crash and die right there and I was terrified. There was no way I would ever get on a plane again. So when my husband asked me to meet him in Paris, I simply couldn’t do it. I was too afraid. (He’s in the marines, and was on R& R in Paris.) My sister found the website, Anxiety Solutions on the Internet and I ordered an audiobook. I started feeling better the very first day. Two days later, I made my reservations. It was a wonderful trip, and I wasn’t the least bit afraid flying over or flying back. I love my husband. I loved Paris. And I love how the method shown by Anxiety Solutions has made me feel. I’ve already had three friends use it since, with similar results. Tammy Price, Philadelphia, PA.


  1. I have hated spiders ever since I was a little kid. Those horrible furry legs, and the way they dart about without warning. Then I heard about Anxiety Solutions. A few days after I completed their system, I cleaned out my garage with no fear whatever. I saw several spiders, but I ignored them and they ran away from me. I like having my control back. Derek Whitman, Cincinnati, OH.
  2. I was so afraid of spiders that I couldn’t go camping with my family. I just knew some big nasty Black Widow would crawl inside my sleeping bag. After I used the technique in an eBook on Anxiety Solutions, all that fear simply went away. I’m the first one now to start packing my tent and sleeping bag when the week-end approaches. I still check the bedding at night before crawling inside, but I’m not afraid. This system worked for me. Jonathan Oliver, Walnut Creek, CA.
  3. The winters get really cold here in the mountains. I’ve been afraid of bringing in firewood for thirty years because spiders hang out in the woodpile. They’re really creepy. My wife ordered an audiobook for me from Anxiety Solutions, and my fear went completely away after using it for about three days. I’m still careful when I bring wood in the house, but not afraid anymore. If I see a poisonous spider, I squish it under foot. The others, I carry back outside and put them in the garden. Roger Scott, Ashville, NC.
  4. I could never go into our basement because I was so afraid that a spider might jump on me and bite me. There were lots of cobwebs down there. My son’s friend at school told him about the website for Anxiety Solutions, so I looked it up and ordered an eBook. The price was quite reasonable. To my surprise, it worked even faster than they claimed. After only two days, my spider phobia was entirely gone. I even tore down all the cobwebs, so now my basement is spider free. And I can go down there anytime I please. Marcella Anderson, Bowling Green, KY.
  5. My mother was very afraid of spiders. My sisters are afraid of spiders. And I’ve been terrified of them since I can remember. But two days after I started using the information on Anxiety Solutions, my fear disappeared. It was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. It’s wonderful to not be afraid anymore. Dottie Latham, Birmingham, AL.


  1. I couldn’t even say the word, “snakes” without shivers running up my spine. Oh how I hated them. My husband ordered an audiobook from Anxiety Solutions and insisted that I listen to it. Well, let me tell you, it started working from day one. In no time at all, I could watch snakes on TV without being afraid. I watched a black snake crawl across our back yard last week, and it didn’t scare me at all. Tell the truth, it was very interesting to observe the way it moved. Doreen McAllister, Palm Harbor, FL.
  2. I love freshwater fishing, but was always so afraid I might see a snake that I stopped going several years ago. My nephew ordered an eBook for me from Anxiety Solutions and I used it exactly the way they recommended. Three days later I called my nephew and we got his boat and motor ready and went out for a full day on the lake. I don’t intend to bring home any water moccasins, or make friends with rattlesnakes or copperheads, but I’m not on edge all the time now at the lake or out in the woods. If I see a snake, it’s no big deal. I go my way and let him go his way. I really enjoy myself out there for the first time in years. Art Treadway, Atlanta, GA.
  3. A big blacksnake ran right across my front sidewalk one night about three years ago and nearly scared me to death. Seriously, I though I was going to have a heart attack. I have been afraid of snakes since I was a little girl living on a farm. My mother used to tell us kids stories of how snakes would stand up on their tails in tall grass to see who was coming. I’ve had nightmares about that image ever since. Anyway, my heart would race and my hands shake anytime I came home after dark and had to watch for snakes while I walked up the sidewalk to my front porch. A woman at my office told me about the Anxiety Solutions website, and I ordered an audiobook from them. My friend had used a similar system to get over a fear of needles at the dentist. Well, it worked like a charm for me, too. Snakes will never be my best friends, and I sure won’t invite one inside my home, but they don’t scare me anymore. I’ll always keep a safe distance, but they can simply go about their business as far as I’m concerned. Thank you, Good Deal Publishing and thank you, Anxiety Solutions! Margaret Davis, Montgomery, AL.
  4. Best gift I ever received! I used to shut my eyes, get cold chills, and want to run out of the room anytime a picture of a snake came on TV. And there seemed to be snakes on nearly every channel I turned to, like they followed me or something. My girlfriend bought me an eBook by Anxiety Solutions, so I felt stuck. Frankly, I didn’t want to read anything that had to do with a snake, but I agreed to try it, so as not to hurt her feelings. I was blown away after trying the system for one day. It was easy to do and worked very fast. After three days, I started searching TV channels to find snakes just to test myself. And it absolutely worked. Even the big jungle snakes don’t seem scary anymore. If one comes on TV now, it’s “ho-hum” for me. In real life, it might be different. I’d make sure I had on some high boots and protective clothing if I was really there. But I wouldn’t be afraid. Not anymore. Alfred Donovan, Memphis, TN.
  5. At one time, we lived near the Adirondack Mountains. My husband and sons loved to go out in the woods and pitch a tent and cook over an open fire. With my snake phobia, I was afraid to go with them. The few times I did, I lay awake all night waiting for a snake to crawl into my tent or across my feet. I couldn’t walk through the woods without hanging on tightly to my husband’s arm. Even then, I made him stop every few feet to look under logs or kick leaves aside to check for snakes. I wasn’t much fun to have along. My oldest son found a fear website on his computer and insisted that I order a book on fear of snakes. Within a few days, I was eager to go camping. My fear is a thing of the past. It’s hard to understand why I was ever so afraid. If you exercise a normal amount of caution, you’re perfectly safe in the woods or anywhere else. Snakes are more afraid of us than we are of them. Now I go gather firewood in the evening so my husband can cook breakfast the next morning while I sleep in. Thank you, Anxiety Solutions.


  1. I’ve been terrified of needles since I was a child. I can still remember the battles every time I had to see my pediatrician. I had avoided doctors ever since because I was so afraid of getting a shot. My dentist had to sedate me before he could work on my teeth. One day the dentist’s receptionist told me about Anxiety Solutions, and it changed my life. I completed Dr Smithdeal’s system in three days, as suggested, and haven’t been afraid since. It’s actually hard to remember why I was ever afraid in the first place. I don’t feel a thing when I get a shot now. It really is no big deal. Thank you, Dr Smithdeal! Karen Forbes, Wichita KS.
  2. I don’t know which was worse, the terror I felt anytime I even saw a hypodermic needle, or my embarrassment from acting like a three-year old. I’m forty seven, and I’ve been afraid of injections since I can remember. My son purchased an eBook about removing my fear as a gift to me. It was so fascinating that I read the entire system in one night. And I completely removed my fear of needles that same night. It truly is amazing. It’s simple. It’s fast. And it works! Thank you, Dr Smithdeal. I’m fine with needles now and I don’t embarrass myself anymore. Lucinda Grimes, Knoxville, TN.
  3. It was that long, skinny metal shaft with the sharp point at the end that got to me. Just thinking about that thing penetrating my skin made me shudder. Then I heard about different phobia books from Anxiety Solutions from a friend at work, and I ordered the one for fear of needles. Wow! It worked even faster than they said. Needles don’t bother me at all since I finished the course. I needed several immunization injections this year before I went to Africa, and they didn’t bother me at all. I was as cool as a cucumber. Don’t even consider looking elsewhere for help. This website is a winner. Grant McCormick, Toledo, OH.
  4. Sticking a needle into my body and having something injected inside never made any sense to me. I was scared to death that it would hurt. I even worried about what would happen if the needle broke off inside me. Then I tried the system in a book from Anxiety Solutions, and all that fear went away. It just disappeared. Getting an injection now is as easy for me as taking a drink of water. I don’t even think about it anymore. Sandy Levinson, Seattle, WA.
  5. The fear before taking a shot was worse for me than the shot itself. But I hated that part, too. I would get myself so worked up beforehand that just touching my skin was painful. My doctor told me about a unique method of fear removal. He’s probably as happy as I am that I’m completely over my fear. I must have been a terrible patient. Two days after I started practicing what Dr Smithdeal’s book taught me, the fear went away. Just like that. It was magic. Thank you, Anxiety Solutions and Dr Smithdeal. I tell everybody I know about you. Lorene Daniels, Kingman, AZ.


  1. Since I can remember, I’ve been afraid to take a tub bath in more than two inches of water. I couldn’t bear to look at a lake or the ocean. I was terrified of drowning my entire life, until I learned about Anxiety Solutions’s, website. Three days after I started applying their system, my fear vanished. I mean, it completely went away and has not come back. Not once. I’m amazed and forever grateful. I feel like a normal human being. Frances Royal, San Diego, CA.
  2. At age 54, I had never learned to swim. I was afraid to go for a ride on a boat. Looking at rivers or lakes in a movie made me feel afraid. A woman at my church told me about how she got rid of her fear of snakes using an audiobook from Anxiety Solutions, so I decided to try one for my phobia. The first night I started using the system, I felt better. The second day, my phobia went away. I had to test it, so I got into a tub and filled it all the way to the brim. It felt marvelous. I’m taking swimming lessons now and I really enjoy them. What a shame that I wasted so much time hanging on to this fear when it was so easy to shed. I can’t express how grateful I am. Betty Morrison, Harrisburg, PA.
  3. I managed to hide my extreme fear of water pretty well through the years. Even my best friends didn’t know how scared I was, or that I couldn’t swim. Then my husband bought a sailboat. We have two sons and of course, they wanted to go sailing every weekend. I really wanted to be with them. I searched the Internet for help and the Yellow Pages. I tried hypnosis and self hypnosis. It felt good, but didn’t work. I listened to CDs about phobias and relaxation techniques every night for almost a month, still with no improvement. Then I searched again and discovered the information provided by Anxiety Solutions. It seemed very strange at first, but I could hardly believe how fast it worked. Two days after I began, I signed up for a swimming course at our club and absolutely loved it. My fear completely disappeared. I’m a good swimmer now. I also go sailing every chance I get. I even forget that I was ever afraid. This website literally changed my life. Vivian Cross, Tampa, FL.
  4. I can remember standing on a diving board when I was five years old, with my mother and a lifeguard yelling at me to jump into the pool. I was paralyzed with fear. For twenty years after that day, I never went into a swimming pool or any water that came up higher than my knees. Since applying the information from Anxiety Solutions I’m not the least bit afraid anymore. I swim often and really enjoy myself. It took three days to get completely over a twenty-year fear. Sybil Jacobs, Phoenix, AZ.
  5. When I was eight years old, my father towed me into the middle of a pond in a rock quarry and then swam away from me. That was his idea of teaching me to “sink or swim.” Thank heavens a woman nearby pulled me out of the water, or I would have drowned. I’ve been afraid of the water ever since. Using the method learned from Anxiety Solutions completely abolished my fear of water in three days. I have since learned to swim very well and I enjoy going to the beach with my friends. I only wish I had found this system years ago. Gary Winters, Ventura, CA.

CLAUSTROPHOBIA (Fear of Enclosed Spaces):

  1. For years, I panicked anytime I went into a room without windows. I couldn’t even drive into an underground garage without my heart nearly jumping out of my chest. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, and had to run out of the place as quickly as possible. Two days of using the technique provided by Anxiety Solutions completely fixed all that. I still prefer rooms with windows, but not because I’m afraid. It’s really not all that important to me anymore. Robert White, Montgomery, AL.
  2. I’m a mortgage broker and my office is on the fifth floor of a high-rise building. I always made excuses for why I couldn’t ride the elevator up to my office. I would pretend that I was about to get on the elevator, then tell my friends or a client that I forgot something and for them to go ahead and I would join them in a couple of minutes. Then I’d run to the stairwell and climb up five flights of stairs. The truth was, I felt as though I would suffocate inside an elevator with the doors closed. Three days after using a technique from Anxiety Solutions, I ride elevators all the time now. It simply never enters my mind to be afraid anymore. Roberta Jackson, Miami, FL. It’s like I never had that fear.
  3. I’ve never been able to ride in the back seat of a van or small car without having a panic attack. I hated being packed in like a sardine whenever other people were in the car, and it felt like I couldn’t get my breath. I thought I would die if I couldn’t escape. I couldn’t even sit in church if there was somebody real close to me on both sides. As soon as I tried the system on Anxiety Solutions, all that went away. I don’t even notice anymore when somebody sits close to me. Brenda Carter, Panama City, FL.
  4. I can remember my brother throwing a sheet over my head when we were kids, and holding me down while I screamed for him to let me up. I’ve been horrified ever since whenever I felt closed in. Small rooms with low ceilings. Airplanes. Inside the cabin of a boat. These places made me feel as though I would black out if I couldn’t get outside into the air. I had only used the information provided by Anxiety Solutions for two days when my fear disappeared. Tight spaces don’t concern me at all now. Cindy Johnson, Little Rock, AR.
  5. Just watching astronauts on TV, inside those tiny space ships, freaked me out. The thought of going inside a submarine made me dizzy. I couldn’t ride elevators, fly on a plane, or even go up into my attic without having an anxiety attack. I worked with a psychologist for three months, but even that didn’t help me. Finally a friend told me about Anxiety Solutions, and that did the trick. Three days after I started reading their system, I was cured. Elevators, planes, whatever. Bring ‘em on. None of it scares me anymore. Tad Robinson, Kansas City, MO.


  1. Anytime I was driving my family on a trip and we came to a bridge, I had to pull over and ask my wife to drive across it. That’s how scared I was, and it didn’t make sense. It was very embarrassing, but I just couldn’t force myself to drive across. I even had to close my eyes while she drove us to the other side. A friend where she works told her about Anxiety Solutions, and I ordered an audiobook the same day I heard about it. Three days later, my fear was gone. I went out that same day and drove back and forth across a very high bridge down in Portsmouth with no problem at all. The fear has never come back since that day. Roland Squires, York, ME.
  2. I have never liked bridges, even low ones. But I would drive fifty miles out of my way before I would go over the Skyway Bridge between St Pete and Sarasota. The problem was that I live in St Petersburg and have to call on customers in Bradenton and Sarasota. One of my customers found out about my problem and told me about Anxiety Solutions. What a break for me! I completed the entire course in two days, and haven’t had a problem with bridges since. I had even considered moving out of Florida once because of all the bridges and canals and so forth. Thanks, Anxiety Solutions. Your system really works! Glenn Franklin, St Petersburg, FL.
  3. The worst part for me about bridges was trying not to focus on the water as I drove across. Finally, I just had to stop doing it because I was afraid I might suddenly turn the wheel someday and crash through the bridge and down into the water and drown. I kept seeing myself doing that in my mind. Then I heard about Anxiety Solutions and decided to give their recommendations a try. I am so blessed to have found this. My fear is completely gone and that crazy picture in my head is also gone. In just a few days, One little eBook showed me how to take control of my fear. It’s amazing. Phyllis Johannsen, San Francisco, CA.
  4. Living in Virginia, we have bridges over deep culverts and rivers, plus the Skyline Drive that’s way up high over everything. I would freeze with fear anytime I had to drive over any of them. No way would I ever look down. I sometimes held the steering wheel so tight that my knuckles hurt. My cousin told me she had used an audiobook to overcome her fear of flying, and it worked great. So I ordered an eBook for my height phobia and it worked just as great. I spent about three hours one night and completely eliminated my fear. That was five months ago and it hasn’t come back a single time. Don’t waste your time searching for anything else. Anxiety Solutions has it figured out. Jack Knight, Abington, VA.
  5. Part of my fear of bridges was that I felt stuck once I was on one. You can’t turn around and you can’t stop. I was afraid to look over the side, so I had to keep going even though I didn’t want to. It helped some if there was a truck or van right in front of me because I could lock my eyes on its rear bumper and just follow it as close as possible. But my mouth would go dry, my heart race, and I’d get this huge lump in my throat till I could hardly swallow or even breathe. My friend bought an  eBook from Anxiety Solutions and printed it out for me, so I tried it. It seemed really weird, but she insisted. Said her mom had used the same method to get over a fear of spiders. Well, she was absolutely right. Three days after she gave it to me, my fear of bridges was a thing of the past. I take them in stride now, just like any other section of road. Bill Proctor, Fort Lee, NJ.


  1. When I heard about the books on Anxiety Solutions, I hadn’t left my house in almost two years. I ordered an audiobook immediately and started practicing what it showed me. I followed it step-by-step and the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. I felt better about my situation that first evening. The next day, I went out on my front porch and looked around without any fear. Two days later, I went to the super market by myself. Since that day, I go wherever I want and I’m not afraid at all. What a blessing! Thank you, Anxiety Solutions. Your system is amazing! Margaret Whitten, Hoboken, NJ.
  2. I am a free woman since discovering Anxiety Solutions. I had been terrified of leaving my house for years. My married daughter had to do all my shopping, even for groceries and basic supplies. I ordered meals only from restaurants that delivered. Then my daughter gave me an eBook as a gift. I thought the method they taught was really weird at first, but she insisted that I try it. Two days later, I walked around the block and felt perfectly normal. The next day, I went to my daughter’s house on the other side of town. That felt really good and she was so proud of me. Since then, I’ve been fine to go anyplace at all. Barbara Summers, Indianapolis, IN.
  3. All I can say is, don’t be put off simply because you’ve never heard of the technique they use. I almost didn’t do the system because I didn’t believe that it could possibly work. But I was wrong. It did work and really fast. I was afraid that if I left home I would have a panic attack out in public and not be able to get home. I was afraid that the police might arrest me or tie me down on a stretcher and take me to the hospital or something. My husband found Anxiety Solutions on his computer and ordered  a book for me. I only agreed to try it in order to stop his nagging, but I’m forever grateful that I did. Within three days I was a normal woman again. I can go wherever I want now and I’m not afraid at all. No more panic attacks. No more fear. Thanks to Anxiety Solutions I feel great! Nancy Metcalf, Newport Beach, CA.
  4. I was a prisoner in my own home for over seven years. I had my first panic attack in 1999 and two more in 2000. One happened in a restaurant and the other two in crowded department stores. I was terrified of leaving my home afterwards, so I didn’t. My son ordered a book from Anxiety Solutions, and guided me through it, step-by-step. He was wonderful and so is the their technique. Within three days my fear was completely gone. We drove all over town and even went shopping in several stores. Since then I go wherever I want by myself. I’ve almost forgotten that I was ever afraid. Thank you, Anxiety Solutions. Linda Weissman, Hartford, CT.
  5. Staying at home all the time gets really boring, but that’s nothing compared to the fear of going out. I was horrified of having another panic attack away from home, so I stayed where I felt safe. I was most comfortable in my own bed. For weeks, my best friend kept insisting that I try a book from Anxiety Solutions. I finally gave in and ordered it online. I printed it out and started doing what it said late one evening. I felt so good the next day that I almost went for a drive, but I didn’t. I waited until the following morning. Three days in all and I was cured. My fear simply vanished. I was amazed! This method is the best thing since sliced bread. Harriet Goodson, Cedar Falls, Iowa.


  1. Looking back on it, I probably started feeling uncomfortable around groups of people when I was in college. But it got progressively worse over the years. For the past ten years I avoided all gatherings of any kind. In a crowded room, I felt as though I would suffocate if I couldn’t escape and get outside by myself. I was researching Social Anxiety Disorder on the Internet one night when I discovered the Anxiety Solutions website. I ordered a book on why I am so afraid and followed the instructions. Three days later, I purposely went into crowded stores to test myself, and I had no fear at all. Now I go to parties, church functions, weddings, and more. I feel like a normal human again. Thank you, Anxiety Solutions. Maryanne Taylor, Macon, GA.
  2. The worst part for me was the loneliness of not being able to socialize. But anytime I went to a social function, my heart would race, my mouth would get so dry that I couldn’t speak, and I felt all panicky until I could get away. Two days after following the information in a book on fear removal from Anxiety Solutions, all that was gone. I enjoy my friends and family again, and I love to be with them at every opportunity. Giselle Martin, St Louis, MO.
  3. I could never logically explain my fear, but it was very real, nonetheless. I simply could not bear to be in a room full of people. Strangers were worse than family or close friends, but I was uncomfortable in any crowded room. I made excuses for years about why I couldn’t attend birthday celebrations, anniversary parties, or any function where there were likely to be more than three or four people. My girlfriend learned about Anxiety Solutions at her work, and told me about it. I ordered one of their audiobooks straightaway and started practicing the steps that it showwed me. We attended a Valentine’s Day party the next weekend and I really enjoyed myself. There were at least twenty couples there in a fairly small home, so it was crowded and noisy, but fun. I can’t wait for the next party. Terry Snyder, Nashville, TN.
  4. I never enjoyed being in a crowded room. They were always noisy and cramped and I never knew what to say. You couldn’t hear yourself talk anyway, so why bother? Later on I got to the point where I would get really hot and sweaty and feel like I was going to faint unless I could get outside for some fresh air. Finally I stopped going to parties or celebrations of any kind. My sister used a book from Anxiety Solutions to get over her fear of flying, so she recommended the website to me. I was astounded, but the method they showed me started working from the first day I used it. After three days, my social anxiety was history. I don’t even think about my fear anymore, no matter how crowded or noisy a room gets. I just relax and enjoy myself. Frank Berman, Culver City, CA.
  5. As a university professor, I’m expected to attend many social functions, both on campus and off. Over the years I became more and more uncomfortable in such situations, to the point that I sometimes feigned illness to avoid attending. A colleague mentioned the Iwebsite, Anxiety Solutions one day at lunch. He had corrected a fear of snakes using a book from that site. So I ordered an eBook online and printed it out that evening. The method is quite simple and easy to follow, and it worked amazingly well for me. I attend every function that comes along now, and I truly enjoy myself. Helen Murray, New York, NY.


  1. I think it began when I was about five years old, but I’ve been terrified of going to a doctor since I can remember. I do recall my mother having to hold me down while the pediatrician tried to look in my mouth and ears and so forth. They had to wrap me in a tight sheet to give me a shot. So I haven’t gone for treatment a lot of times when I knew I should. I was too scared of what they might do to me. My husband ordered an eBook for me and helped me read through it and practice what it showed us to do. I felt different about doctors almost immediately. Three days later, I called my husband’s doctor and went in for a checkup. It wasn’t a bad experience at all and I’m not afraid anymore. I know that I can do whatever a doctor asks me to in the future, so I’ll be taking better care of myself from here on. The book was on a website, Anxiety Solutions. Danielle Martinson, Topeka, KS.
  2. I don’t know why I was so afraid, but just seeing a doctor in his white coat would raise my blood pressure off the charts. My heart would start pounding in my chest and my mouth get too dry to speak before the doctor even came into the room. Heaven forbid if I’d ever been really sick. I found the Anxiety Solutions website on the Internet and ordered their system for my specific problem. I could hardly believe how simple it was to remove my fear. Just as they promised, it was fast and effective. And it didn’t cost an arm and a leg. Best money I ever spent. Harold King, Grand Rapids, MI.
  3. For me I think it was more of a control issue around doctors and needles. I never knew what they might find wrong with me, or what they might want to do to me. So I panicked anytime I had to go for an examination or treatment. I’ve had a skin condition for years that I neglected because of this fear. My son purchased the Anxiety Solutions system for me last winter. I didn’t expect too much because I had never heard of any method that could just make a fear disappear like that. But it sure worked. I was quite surprised, but pleasantly so. Going to my doctor now feels about the same as going to my mechanic or accountant. Even if she gives me an injection. It doesn’t disturb me one whit. Ralph Conley, Alpharetta, GA.
  4. I don’t know why I was always afraid of doctors, but I was. It made no sense, but the fear was there anyway. I would break out in a cold sweat with my heart pounding and my hands and legs shaking at the thought of going into a doctor’s office. My husband’s friend at work told him about the information provided by Anxiety Solutions, so I looked it up and ordered one of their recommended audiobooks. When I listened to their instructions, I didn’t see how it could possibly remove my phobia, but I tried it anyway. To my surprise, it worked even faster than they claimed. After only two days, my doctor-phobia was entirely gone. I even called and made an appointment to have my blood pressure checked three days after I downloaded the audiobook. I still don’t know exactly why it worked, but I definitely know that it did. Carolyn Matthews, Abilene, TX.
  5. In my mind I believed that doctors were there to help us, but something inside always made me really afraid of them. I think it started when I was eight years old. My mother went to the hospital for surgery and never came back. I heard my uncle talking about how the doctor had messed up. I always got very frightened after that when I had to see a doctor for anything. I hadn’t gone for a routine exam in over five years and I knew that wasn’t good. Then I heard about Anxiety Solutions and decided to give their method a try. I feel so fortunate to have found this. My fear is completely gone now. In just a few days, one little book showed me how to take control of my fear. It’s amazing, and I feel so much better. Janice Monroe, Cartersville, GA.


  1. I don’t know which was worse, the terror I felt anytime I had to go to the dentist, or my embarrassment from acting like a three-year old. I’m thirty five and I’ve been afraid of the dentist since I can remember. My son purchased an audiobook for me. It was so interesting that I listened to the entire system in one night, and did what they showed me. I also completely removed my fear that same night. It truly is amazing. It’s simple, it’s fast, and it works! Thank you, Anxiety Solutions. I’m okay going to the dentist now and I don’t embarrass myself anymore. Harland Clark, Little Rock, AR.
  2. Since I was about ten years old, I’ve been afraid to go to the dentist. I couldn’t bear to think about getting a shot inside my mouth or that awful sound of those drills. I was absolutely terrified of dentists until I learned about fear removel from aned Anxiety Solutions. Three days after I started applying their system, my fear vanished. I mean, it completely went away and hasn’t come back. Not once. I’m amazed and grateful. I feel like a normal person again. It’s actually hard to remember why I was ever afraid. Bonnie Jones, Ocala, FL.
  3. As a child I acted up so badly that I got a spanking every time I had to go to the dentist. That same fear continued for most of my life. Mostly I was afraid of the shots, plus almost choking from all that stuff in my mouth while they work. Then I heard about Anxiety Solutions’s methods of fear removal, and decided to give it a try. I am so blessed to have found this. My fear of the shots is completely gone and that fear of choking is also gone. In just a few days, this method helped me take control of my fear. It’s amazing. Candace Barclay, Reno, NV.
  4. Just thinking about going to the dentist would make my mouth go dry, my heart pound, and I would get sick to my stomach. My girlfriend bought an eBook for me from Anxiety Solutions, so I tried it. It seemed really strange at first, but she insisted. Her sister had used one of their books to get over a fear of driving over bridges. Well, she was absolutely right. Three days after she printed it out for me and I followed their instructions, my fear of dentists was over. It seems silly now that I was ever afraid. Ken Grossman, Albuquerque, NM.
  5. My father refused to go to a dentist. My mother made me go as a child, but I was always terrified of it. My brother told me about Anxiety Solutions, and I ordered a book for my fear. I had three bad teeth that were getting worse all the time, so I really needed help. After three days of using their method, I felt okay about dentists for the first time in my life. My fear simply vanished. I’m still amazed! I got my teeth fixed and I’m very proud of how calm I was. This method really works. Gretchen Rockwell, Lowell, MA.


  1. The one time I tried to eat in a restaurant with a view from on top of a building, I ran out crying. I was so frightened that I actually thought I was going to have a heart attack. Less than an hour after I started using the method described on Anxiety Solutions, my fear went away. I actually felt the fear leaving my body. It felt like a miracle. This is the most amazing system I have ever seen or heard of. Charlotte Evans, Columbia, SC.
  2. I was so afraid of heights that I couldn’t climb up above the second step of a ladder without starting to shake and sweat all over. It was really bad. My sister told me about Anxiety Solutions, so I tried one of their bookis. The price was very reasonable, so I figured I didn’t have anything to lose. And it worked like a charm. Wow! That’s the best money I ever spent. I went to the top of the tallest building in town last week just to check. I truly enjoyed looking down from up there. My fear was completely gone and the view was terrific. Shane Adams, Chicago, IL.
  3. My husband and I are home inspectors, so being afraid of heights was a real handicap for me. I could never climb a ladder to go onto a roof without my heart pounding out of my chest and feeling that I couldn’t breathe up there. Even when I did, my husband had to be right there holding the ladder and talking me up and down. Two days after practicing the technique taught on Anxiety Solutions, my fear just went away. I’m still not sure exactly why it works, but it absolutely did the trick for me. I can climb up and down ladders and on and off of roofs with the best of them now. Thanks, Anxiety Solutions. You’re the best! Phyllis Hartmann, Jackson, TN.
  4. As a professional travel agent, I had always wanted to see the top of the Empire State Building. But I was so afraid of heights that I was never willing to even try going up there. When a client told me about Anxiety Solutions I decided to order an audiobook on fear of heights. I am so glad I did. Within a day and a half, I absolutely knew I could do it, so I booked a flight to New York for the next weekend. It was a cake walk for me. I loved looking off from the very top of the building at all those tiny cars and people below. It was even more beautiful than I had been told. As far as I’m concerned, the books on Anxiety Solutions represent the bargains of the century. I wish I had discovered this fifteen years earlier. Ron, O’Reilly, Ontario, Canada.
  5. It’s tough for a realtor who’s afraid of heights. I always dreaded having to show condos or apartments on high floors, especially when they had lots of windows or a balcony. It was especially embarrassing when clients asked the name of a certain building or bridge in the distance, and I was too scared to look out to see what they meant. After a meeting one morning, my broker told me about Anxiety Solutions, so I went online and ordered a book immediately. The next day I showed a gorgeous unit on the twenty-third floor overlooking the East River, and had absolutely no fear whatever. I walked right over to a huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked down at the street and river below. It was amazing. I am so proud that I was able to totally eliminate a lifelong fear within a couple of hours. Oh yes, I sold that twenty-third floor unit for a very nice commission. I expect to sell many more in the coming year. Sylvia Grossman, New York, NY.


  1. No matter how much I studied or how well I thought I knew the material, I just couldn’t remember the answers when I took a test. Pop quizzes were the worst. It was like my mind shut down or something. A teacher told my mom about Anxiety Solutions, so she got a book on fear removal for me. I thought it was sort of dorky at first, but I did what they said anyway. I figured it couldn’t make things any worse. To my surprise, all of my anxiety disappeared almost immediately. Now when I take a test, it’s like I was never afraid in the first place. The answers just pour out of my head like from some fountain of knowledge. I’m impressed! And my grades show it. Evelyn Stanley, Kerrville, TX.
  2. Oral exams were the bane of my existence through college. When I started med school, it got even worse. I work really hard, I know I’m intelligent, but anytime a professor started asking me direct questions, my mind went blank. It was humiliating. I would stammer and stumble, get all red in the face, and a couple of times my heart was racing so hard I thought I might pass out. The same day that a classmate told me about Anxiety Solutions, I downloaded a book detailing their system for Anxiety removal. I would gladly have paid $1000 to get over my handicap. That same night, the fear disappeared from my body. I’m serious.  I could literally feel it go away as I applied what the book had me do. It has never returned even a little bit. I actually prefer oral exams now because they give me a chance to show how well prepared I am. Thanks, Anxiety Solutions. I hope I can help my future patients half as much as you’ve helped me. Jim Murray, Thomas Jefferson University (Jefferson Medical College,) Philadelphia, PA.
  3. I used to just sit there in the exam room staring at my test papers, unable to remember the answer to a single question. And I studied hard. I listened in class, I read the assignments, but when the time came for an exam, my brain shut down. I don’t know how I sometimes remembered my own name. My teacher told me about Anxiety Solutions. She said she had used one of their audiobooks herself to get over a phobia of snakes. So I ordered their system for my fear. Frankly, it seemed kind of weird at the beginning, but I was desperate, so I followed their instructions exactly. My fear went away the second time I used the system. I had been suffering for years, so I could hardly believe it when I got over it in two days! It was incredible. I wholeheartedly recommend this website to anybody, anywhere, anytime, for any fear. You won’t be disappointed. www. Anxiety-Solutions.net.  Susan Strahan, Escondido, CA.
  4. I have never liked being put on the spot. I prefer to blend in and be part of the crowd, rather than to stand out. Maybe that’s part of why I was so bad at taking an exam. I don’t know. But whatever caused it, I was really bad. I would sit there reading the questions, but it was as though I had never seen the material before. My mind would race, but my thoughts were all jumbled and disconnected. I actually broke out in hives during a chemistry exam once and had to be excused in order to visit the school nurse. My older brother told me about Anxiety Solutions. He used one of their books to eliminate a fear of flying, and said it worked great for him. So I downloaded an eBook on fear removel and started applying the method five minutes after he told me about it. It was amazing! My fear of exams went away during my second session. It simply disappeared as though it had never been there in the first place. I’m still amazed, but also very grateful. Thanks, Anxiety Solutions.  Walter Carswell, Albany, NY.
  5. My counselor called me in at the beginning of my second semester in college. She knew that I was a good student, but my grades didn’t reflect it. I had almost flunked several final exams the previous semester. I explained that I became so flustered during exams that I couldn’t remember anything I had learned. She told me about Anxiety Solutions, and said that website had helped a number of students before me. I ordered an audiobook that same night and started practicing what they showed me. My next exam was a week later, and I “Aced” it. Taking exams ever since is as easy as falling off a log for me. No fear whatsoever. Somebody should make the Anxiety Solutions site a required course in grammar school! Debbie Anderson, Austin, TX.

NOTE: We have many more testimonials for a variety of issues; however, we think you understand from the ones provided here that our method works.  You can remove anxiety, stress, limiting beliefs -i.e., Fear of any kind. This method has worked for many others, just like you. We feel confident that our method will work for you, too.

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