About Us




The foundation that underlies our parent company, Good Deal Publishing, LLC, and its website – www.Anxiety-Solutions.net - is our unshakable beliefs. We believe that all humans deserve to be happy, successful, loving, and content. We also believe that individuals should maintain as much control as possible over their own lives.

OUR MISSION is to provide well written, informative books that change individual lives - thus, the course of the world - for the better.


Our authors provide real solutions to many types of stress and anxiety. We do NOT offer mere suggestions or theories. Our Non-Fiction works show exactly how to REMOVE such limitations from your life. Permanently.

Regardless of ethnicity, gender, education, income level, or interests, we are all human. Each of us experiences stress, anxiety, and fear.  No individual is made better by tolerating these destructive emotions.

Anxiety and fear often manifest as doubt, insecurity, anger, frustration, poor self-esteem, self-sabotage and more. Our authors provide revolutionary SOLUTIONS for these problems. Solutions that actually work!


Eliminate disabling Panic Attacks, Phobias such as Fear of Flying, Heights, Spiders, Snakes, Enclosed Spaces, and more. Low Self-Esteem or other Limiting Beliefs – ALL CAN BE REMOVED here.

You may even improve your performance in GOLF, TENNIS, POKER, or other marvelously compelling – and equally frustrating – sports or activities.


Where “Think and Grow Rich” and “The Secret” left off, author John Carnegie shares SUCCESS PRINCIPLES that Napoleon Hill and Rhonda Byrne never dreamed possible. Get ready for big success in trading STOCKS, FOREX, BITCOIN, or any other business in this exciting digital age of the 21st Century.

We even have a special treat for those who appreciate an inspiring fable. If you enjoy stories like “The Little Prince,” you will amost certainly love “You’re It Right Now.” Fascinating and thought provoking. Quite possibly, life changing.


Retired physician and surgeon, Charles Smithdeal, MD, FACS, devoted his life and two separate careers to the relief of suffering for others. Following his retirement from surgery, Dr Smithdeal and his wife, Deborah Leigon-Smithdeal, PhD became certified Hypnotherapists and Anxiety Relief Specialists. Soon intrigued by the emerging field of Energy Medicine, they joined other pioneers in this fascinating specialty. In 2005, they reported a highly effective energy-based method for pain and fear removal: Anxiety Relief Techniques®. Based primarily on Gary Craig's original Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT,) with the  occasional addition of self-hypnosis and Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT,) their method proved 100% safe and more than 90% successful during thousands of applications in their own practice, over a period of nearly 20 years.

This self-help method is shared in the books on this website. Separate instructions for self hypnosis and TAT can be found elsewhere on the Internet. Anxiety Relief Techniques® can remove anxiety, stress, fear, and suffering for any afflicted individual, without the use of drugs or medications of any kind. .

For anyone who experiences stress, anxiety, fear, limiting beliefs, a phobia, fear-based condition, or chronic pain, WELCOME! The content on this website was created especially for you.


In addition to his other accomplishments, Charles Smithdeal has written several best-selling novels for major U.S. publishers. Combining his extensive medical knowledge with up-close and personal life-and-death experiences, Smithdeal creates authentic characters faced with unique and captivating challenges. As one well-known writer and television-and-film producer says of Dr Smithdeal’s stories, “You’ll never figure out the ending…never in a million years.”

Have you ever craved that rare book you simply cannot put down? Do you savor new experiences in exciting places as if you are there? How does it feel to peer into the private thoughts and feelings of characters you have come to admire and love? To fight right alongside them to overcome emotional upheavals and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in order to achieve a worthwhile goal.

We want every reader to recall our characters and their stories for years after the final chapter of each adventure.  Perhaps to become a happier and more understanding individual because of this experience.


Our Commitment

Like the Drs Smithdeal, we sincerely believe that every individual life can be made better. We are 100% committed to achieving this goal! Through our books and recordings, we pledge our full support to you AND to our mutual cause. In return, we ask that you share with those who are special to you, and who believe as we do, that the world can MUST be made better for everyone. We invite you to explore our website and our titles. Help us improve life for others by first removing your own stress, anxiety, and fears. Infuse your spirit with love and understanding. Tell your friends about us. Send them an eBook or Audiobook. We promise a pleasant experience, life-changing information, and always a good read!

You see…in the end,




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